SWE215 Pepita

Built: 1984
Design: Harry Becker
Skipper: Mats Ulltin
Crew: (Preliminary) Olle Wimmerman, Henrik Flöjs, Lars Danielsson
Yacht club: VSS

Pepita is one of the seven SK30s that were built in 83-84 from a Harry Becker design. She was build and is still today sailed by the owners Mats and Anette Ulltin.
The yacht has participated in most European Cups since 1984 when raced in Sweden. In recent years, Pepita has mostly participated in short hand racing under the SRS handicap rule.

The hull is GRP with a varnished oregonpine deck and mahogany cabin.
Pepita is well equipped for holiday sailing and a little for racing.

Preliminary team in Sandhamn this summer, besides the skipper, are:
Olle Wimmerman (himself the owner of Sk30, 216 Clara)
Henrik Flöjs (himself the owner of a S30 Reimers onedesign)
Lars Danielsson (himself the owner of a Passat)

The whole team are really looking forward to nice sailings in Sandhamn and hope that the wind will be on the lighter side.