EC 2024

The Royal Swedish Yacht Club (KSSS), the Swedish Sk30 and A22 Associations invites you to

The Europe Cup 2024 for 30 m2 Skerry Cruisers (SK30)

The International Swedish Championship 2024
(Skärgårdskryssarepokalen, The Square Metre Trophy) for 22 m2 Skerry Cruisers (A22)

Formal invite and Notice of Race can be found on the Royal Swedish Yacht Club homepage

Date: 7 – 10 of August 2024
Location: Sandhamn, Stockholm, Sweden


Tuesday August 6
12:00 – 19:00: Measurement, Safety Inspection, Registration

Wednesday August 7

08:00 – 18:00 Measurement, Safety Inspection, Registration
13:00 Tune up race
17:00 Opening ceremony

Thursday August 8

Time for first warning signal at 11:30 hours,   3 races are scheduled. 

Friday August 9

Time for first warning signal at 11:30 hours,  3 races are scheduled. 

Saturday August 10

Time for first warning signal 11:00 hours,  3 races are scheduled. 
No warning signal will be given later than 15.30
18:00 Price giving ceremony
19:00 Regatta dinner


At this point (June 2024) 29 boats have expressed their intention to participate in the EC 2024.
The list can be found here!

In the official registration list there is currently 20 boats
The official registration list can be found here!

Latest news

November 2023: Preliminary registrations

January 2024: The Cup year has started

March 2024: The Invitation is imminent

April 2024: Registration is open

June 2024: Ordinari registration closes and buy you shirt!


For information please contact Bengt Sareyko [ ]

About KSSS

The Royal Swedish Yacht Club (KSSS) was founded in 1830. KSSS is Sweden’s largest and the world’s second largest sailing club.with over 5,000 members, including over 2,000 juniors.

About KSSS Sandhamn

The regatta will held at KSSS Sandhamn facilities east of Stockholm 
The racing areas will be at east of Sandhamn or west of Sandhamn at Kanholmsfjärden.

Sandhamn is the location of the Round Gotland Race finish
A total of 3 guest harbors with a total mooring capacity 270 yachts
Accommodations in 2 hotels with over 120 beds
A number of  restaurants, largest hosting 330 guests