SWE224 Wanda

Build: 1988
Design: Harry Becker
Skipper: Stefan Linder
Crew: Max Linder, Peter Scheu, Ulf Dahlgren
Yacth Club: KSSS

This is the third SK30 in the family (previous boats: SWE 225 Gryning and SWE 84 Kinano). As 2024 will be the second year of racing with Wanda and first year with this crew we are very humble. We realize it takes time and practise to get results with a new boat and a new crew.

For 2024 we are unwillingly adding weight to Wanda with a new teak-deck (as the old one was getting too thin) and we are also replacing the leaking stainless steel keel-construction with a wooden construction. So now the crew has to compensate by loosing weight….

We very much look forward to fantastic racing at the wonderful Sandhamn.