GER153 Hunkes II

Design: Bijou by Knud H Reimers
Skipper: Klemens Bäurer
Crew: Daniel Müller, Patrik Schädle, Daniel Haas
Yachtclub: Yachtclub Radolfzell, Jollensegler Reichenau

The Co-Owner Reinhold Böhler and some of the crew members have participated in the Europacup in Sweden since 1980 with Hunkes and Hunkes II for 10 times. Reinhold doesn’t compete anymore since Europacup 2022 in Staad/Bodensee, so Hunkes II will start with partly new Crew in Sandhamn. Reinhold won with Hunkes II the Cup in Nynäshamn 2012 and in Uppsala 2016.

“Hunkes” was the Nickname of Reinholds awake and very lively nephew when he was a child in the seventies. “Hunkes” translated in English could mean “Tomboy”

Hunkes II is the first boat which was built with a new negative form.