GER150 Mariposa

Build: 1998
Design: Knud H. Reimers
Material: Wood
Shipyard: Michelsen/Martin
Measurement: SSKF rules 2005
Skipper: Peter Theile (1938)
Crew: Harald Böhler, Beat Erb und Wolfgang Frei
Yachtclub: YCRa / GYC

Mariposa has been participating 10 times in Sweden since 1980, that is every time the Europe Cup have been sailed in Sweden. Peter Theile and crew was crown the winner in 1984 Arkösund, 1996 in Oxelösund and then again in 2000 in Västervik.

Mariposa means butterfly. The butterfly stands for travelling and joie de vivre, so we were also in Sardinia and St. Tropez. But our butterfly really feels at home in the Swedish archipelago. We are really looking forward to the event.