SWE230 Svalah

Build: 2000
Design: Knud H Reimers
Skipper: Lovisa Falkenmark
Crew: TBA
Yacht Club: Göta SS

SWE230 Svalah was built 2000 and is a Reimers design made from the same mold as SWE225 Gryning,SWE227 Maya and SWE240 Nymåne which are all based on the cold moulded SWE222 Natt och Dag from 1987.
The current owners have been responsible for Svalah since 2018 when they received her as an early inheritance. Since then Svalah has mostly sailed up and down the outskirts of Stockholm archipelago and back and forth between Stockholm and Gotland.
Svalah has attended several races in her early yeras but never with the current crew. The team is not yet set but will hopefully get there and get the chance to practice a couple of times before we all meet in Sandhamn