Build: Completed 1987
Design: Harry Becker
Skipper: Hans Samuelsson
Crew: Friends, minimum age allowed onboard: 70 years young
Yacht Club:

Deidre is the first hull in a series after Sk30 SWE210 Renaissance. She remained unfinished for a few years and was moved around before she was completed in 1987.
The yacht was out leased during the 1988 European Cup in Oxelösund. She was initially owned by Olle Madebrink and Tord Persson together and they also owned Renaissance. Deidre was intended as a holiday boat unlike Renaissance which was to optimised for racing.
The current owner bought the boat in 1999. She had then been for sale in Helsingborg as ”The Fastest Boat in the Sound” but no one in southern Sweden was interested. An add was sent to the magazine Skärgårdskryssaren and since the current owner was in the editor the advertisement was never published.
In connection with KSSS 175 years and SSF 100 years anniversary in 2005, Deidre got a real upgrade with pine decks and mahogany rims to celebrate.
She will sail this summer with a group of friends where no one is younger than 70 years old.